If one or more of the following things happen, your account and payments could be paused/blocked/closed.
Reasons for temporary suspension/block of account:
- High missing rate (+10%)
- High complaint rate (+10%)
- High unfulfillment rate (+20%)
- A large share of non-complaint products
- A large share of articles have wrong or misleading prices, description, pictures or other information
- Low or no monthly sales (risk for negative account balance)
- Risk for negative account balance due to fees or refunds
- Wrong VAT or other account information
- Risk of bankruptcy or foreclosure
- Any other breach of terms & conditions
- High complaint rate (+10%)
- High unfulfillment rate (+20%)
- A large share of non-complaint products
- A large share of articles have wrong or misleading prices, description, pictures or other information
- Low or no monthly sales (risk for negative account balance)
- Risk for negative account balance due to fees or refunds
- Wrong VAT or other account information
- Risk of bankruptcy or foreclosure
- Any other breach of terms & conditions
Reasons for permanent block/termination of account:
- Failure to adress issues or warnings stated above in temporary block
- Bankruptcy or foreclosure
- Failure to adress issues or warnings stated above in temporary block
- Bankruptcy or foreclosure
- Significant breach of terms & conditions
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this please contact the Merchant Support seller@fyndiq.com