As a merchant at Fyndiq your performance are evaluated based on the following parameters:
- Customer issues related to missing/delayed orders, complaints and regrets.
- How well you handled the customer’s issue (Customer Satisfaction Score)
- How the customer review your products
- Fulfilled and succeeded orders
To deliver the best possible customer experience, we closely monitor these parameters to make sure our customers are happy with their purchase at Fyndiq and are likely to visit our site again. To make sure we meet the customers’ expectations we have developed thresholds for what should not be exceeded when it comes to these parameters.
Issue thresholds and fees
Performance issue fees
Fyndiq’s performance issue fees work as a security for Fyndiq to be able to re-invest in potential lost unhappy customers, so our customers continue to shop at and that our merchants receive more orders. The performance issue fees are based on your monthly missing and complaint rate out of your total number of orders received during the specific month and your product issue rate, which is based on complaints received on one particular product.
Missing rate - Penalty fee | Complaint rate - Penalty fee | |
Threshold Missing rate or complaint rate above (monthly expected delivery): |
<4% | <4% |
Minimum amount of issues (complaint or missing) before fees apply: |
3 missing issues (4 or more) | 3 complaint issues (4 or more) |
Fee excl. VAT for each Issue above threshold: |
Jan-Nov: 200 SEK Each issue above threshold |
Jan-Nov: 200 SEK Each issue above threshold |
Fee is charged beginning of each month - based on previous month's expected deliveries.
Increased fee during December - Due to importance of customer experience during Christmas shopping and to make sure packages arriving before Christmas.
Further explanation of terms:
Expected delivery date is the max delivery time for orders. Ex. if an order is placed on a Monday (order date) and the max delivery time is 4 working days - the expected delivery date is Friday.
Missing issue - A Customer service ticket about missing delivery. The customer has not received the package within the stated delivery time.
Missing rate = Missing issues (customer service tickets tagged "missing") / Orderrows
Ex. a merchant has 100 Orderrows expected to be delivered in December, of these - 13 "Missing" tickets have been reported on these Orderrows. The missing rate is 13% for December.
The Merchant will then have to pay Missing issue fee of 1800 SEK (9*200 SEK) for 9 missing issues. Although the total number of Missing issues are 13, the fee will only be based on the issues received after the rate exceeds 4%.
Complaint issue - A Customer service ticket about a product complaint. Can be that they have received the wrong product, there is missing parts, the product feels fake or is of bad quality.
Complaint rate = Complaint issues (customer service tickets tagged "Complaint") / Orderrows
Ex. a merchant has 100 Orderrows expected to be delivered in December, of these - 6 "Complaint" tickets have been reported on these Orderrows. The Complaint rate is 6% for December.
The Merchant will then have to pay Complaint issue fee of 400 SEK (2*200 SEK) for 2 Complaint issues. Although the total number of Complaint issues are 6, the fee will only be based on the issues received after the rate exceeds 4%.
How do I make sure to have a low and stable missing rate?
To start with, it is always a good idea to go through the delivery time of each of your articles on a regular basis. If you are uncertain that you will be able to deliver a product within the set delivery time we highly encourage you to add 1-2 days extra to create the right expectations for the customers. If the product is delivered within the expected time frame, we keep our customers happy which will create more sales for you in the long-run. A customer can only report a missing order after the max shipping time has passed.
How do I make sure to have a low and stable complaint rate?
If your complaint rate is increasing or is constantly at a high level a first step is to identify the articles with most complaints.This can be done in the Merchant Center under Issues/Product Overview. If the number of complaints are increasing at a fast pace we highly encourage you to pause the selling of the product in order to analyze the reason for the complaints.
How can I make sure to have a low number of product issues?
If you receive an increasing number of complaints on one specific product we recommend you to pause the sales of the product for the time being and analyze the reason behind the complaints. If you find a new batch of the same product but from another supplier it is important that you test the product before you put it back to sales again.
NOTE: If you experience quality, delivery or stock issues with a product that is already sent to the customer we kindly ask you to contact our merchant support at as soon as possible so we have the possibility to reach out to affected customers.
CSS thresholds and fees
When you as a merchant handle your own customer service, it is important to be service minded and solve issues that you receive in a professional and polite way. The goal is that all merchants should have a Customer Satisfaction Score (CSS) of at least 85%. Everything below that limit is considered to be a too high percentage of dissatisfied customers. If we together can create more happy customers there is an increased chance that more customer will return to show at Fyndiq, which in turn will increase your sales!
Here you can read about some tips and tricks to improve your customer satisfaction.
Here you can read more about how you handle your customer service issues in Reclaimit.
Please note that even if you are not communicating with the customer and are not active in Reclaimit, you will need to be active in replying to Fyndiq’s requests regarding the errands. Fyndiq will communicate with you to find the best solution for both the customer and the merchant. If no response is received from you within 24 hours (on weekdays) Fyndiq may refund the customer on your behalf.
Below you see the different thresholds that describe what happens if you end up below a specific limit. We make the assessment per calendar month and on your total Customer Satisfaction Score during the previous month.
CSS of <80%
Month 1: Warning
Month 2: Warning + fee
Month 3 and onwards: Fyndiq assisted customer service until further notice + 24 SEK (excl. VAT) per handled errand
CSS of <70%
14 days: Notification of low CSS score
Month 1: Warning + fee
Month 2 and onwards: Fyndiq assisted customer service until further notice + 24 SEK (excl. VAT) per handled errand
CSS of <60%
14 days: Notification of low CSS score
Month 1 and onwards: Fyndiq assisted customer service until further notice + 24 SEK (excl. VAT) per handled errand
In exceptional situations, such as displaying an unprofessional attitude toward our customers or in other ways jeopardising the Fyndiq brand, we may opt to remove your ability to manage customer service tickets without warning.
Fyndiq may charge a penalty fee for each dissatisfied customer where you have ended up with a customer satisfaction of 70% or if you repeatedly end up below 80%. The penalty fee is SEK 160 ex VAT per dissatisfied customer.
If you have questions regarding the training material or how to increase your customer satisfaction, contact Merchant Support at