Trademark protection protects a trademark so that others cannot use someone else's trademark on their products and services. A registered trademark gives the holder the exclusive right to use the trademark in commercial activities. Registration protection is valid for ten years and can then be extended for ten-year periods an unlimited number of times. The trademark protection applies from the day the application was submitted if the registration is approved.
If someone uses someone else's protected trademark, the owner of the trademark can file a lawsuit in court. The court then has the right to prohibit the defendant from continuing to use the trademark and award damages. In some cases, the offense can lead to fines or imprisonment.
A trademark can consist of letters, figures, numbers, colors, slogans or sounds. But in order to be able to protect a trademark, it needs to be unique and not be confused with other trademarks used for similar goods and services.
Fyndiq is a registered and protected trademark, which means that no one may use our logo or name.
The word/designation: FYNDIQ
Registration number at EUIPO: 011975638 and 014767404
Figure/Logotype: FYNDIQ logotype
Registration number at EUIPO: 018757622