Here we will present how to upload articles and create products in Merchant Center.
- To create articles in Merchant Center you will need to log in here.
- Click on Articles.
- Click on the Add New Article button to start creating your article.
- If you want to create products with variations, please read the information here.
- Fill in the article information and click Create Article.
Below, the fields for creating an article in Merchant Center are presented.
Required fields
Your unique ID for the article. Length 1-64 characters.
If you are not supplying the Legacy Product ID, please keep the same SKU as in the former platform.
This specifies if the article should be up for sale or not. Can be set to for sale or paused.
Quantity, in stock, of the article. 0-500 000
Name of the article. Length 5-64 characters.
Detailed text describing the article. Length 10-4096 characters.
Price of the article
Original Price
Price of the article, before sale on Fyndiq
To create a product you will need to choose 1-5 categories. Choosing categories above another chosen category in the hierarchy will have no effect as this is done automatically. For example, when categorizing an Umbrella, the category "Fashion > Accessories > Umbrellas" is appropiate. When choosing Umbrellas as the category you should not add Fashion and/or Accessories.
Main Image/Images
Direct links to the images of the article. Images can't be uploaded
Shipping Time
Time for the package to reach the customer, set as minimum and maximum working days.
Fields required to create an article group (product)
Parent SKU
Your articles sharing the value of the Parent SKU field will be grouped together as a product. The Parent SKU value should be the same as the SKU of one of the articles.
Properties are used to classify the article, examples include color and size. This will be used by the customer to filter search results and choosing variations. More information about the available properties can be found here.
Variational Properties
The properties whose values differ between the articles within a group. A product can have one or two variational properties.
Optional fields
Manufacturer of the article. Length 1-50 characters.
Unique global identifier (EAN/MPN). Length 1-13 characters.