In our previous platform most data was stored in the product, this resulted in issues when for example a merchant wished to have different prices for articles belonging to the same product.
We have moved on to a new way of handling products and articles where all information is stored in the article. The only purpose of the product is to link articles together.
Articles will be up for sale with their own title, description, images and so on. If they are linked together with other articles through a product, we will present the customer with navigation to the other variations.
In order to link articles together as a product, we will present the fields of an article used:
- Parent SKU - Your articles sharing the value of the Parent SKU field will be grouped together as a product. The Parent SKU value should be the same as the SKU of one of the articles.
- Properties - Properties are used to classify the article, examples include color and size. More information about the available properties can be found here.
- Variational Properties - The properties whose values differ between the articles within a group. A product can have one or two variational properties.
For example:
If you have a red t-shirt in multiple sizes you will need to create one article for each of the sizes. If they are linked together as a product when a customer is visiting one of the article pages they will be presented with the option at looking at the other articles within the group of linked articles.
In this case variational properties would be set to size, as well as all the articles getting their own value for the property size.